1. Patented Skeleton

  All claim their dolls have lifelife skeleton, but their limbs can only move up and down, left and right. Only 6Ye Premium dolls' skeleton can move flexibly, especially like human circular  motion.

2.  Pleasant smell (will be odourless after washing)

  All advice that their dolls do not have any smell. Howev er, they still inevitably have the plastic TPE smell when they arrive. Only 6Ye Premium dolls have a natural great smell. We use premium TPE formula only. 

3. Durability

  We have a unique formula on our dolls, make our dolls very durable. Many of the others easily tear when you pose them around for sex or photography. This issue will rarely happen on our dolls. If you are a vendor prefer a weak doll to sell more glue for profit, our dolls are not for you.

4.  Highly Realistic and Detailed

  Please checkout the realistic labia and anus pictures of our dolls on Homepage. None  of the other TPE doll manufacturers are great into details like we do.  

5. Our Very New Head Connector! 

  We understand the pain of swivelling a doll head to connect it with its body. It's unrealistic, painful to look at and a nightmare if it's stuck! We've therefore created a new connector! Just place the head on it's neck, and they're connected!

It's hard to tell from pictures and text, if you've ever seen our dolls in real and compare with the others, you will see the great difference! You pay what you get!

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